Friday, May 04, 2007

Nobody Told Me About Her....

Back in the dawn of gaming, PC gaming especially, was the creation of clickable adventure games. Kings Quest is one of the most famous of them all from Sierra. From Kings Quest to Softporn Adventure...seriously people, Sierra was the EA back then. Very popular in the PC gaming category and some cool games.

Roberta Williams was the star of many games, well, on the cover at least. (hint: the cover to the left). And Ken, Roberta's husband, working behind the scenes in making Sierra a powerhouse.

So fast foward to the early 90's where my older cousin introduced me to one of her horror games on the PC, Phantasmagoria. The game would easily top a "AO" or "M" on the esrb today. The game was glorified blood and guts, a rape scene, cursing, and a very thrilling chase sequence at the end of the game. Easily this was the game which created my sick, twisted mind. And that's a good thing! :)

Today, I have bought the game, 7 CDs long, and beat it again. Definitely worth buying if you can find it now. Digging through the interweb and finding more games that she made, its an incredible list of games for back in its day. I am just surprised that most game developers look up to her, especially the female developers, gamers, and what have you. Roberta is the Queen of the game industry, who cares who's on top right now. Roberta has been on the top of the list, despite being retired, and will forever be on the top of the list, most people who play games will totally overlook the name.

She is an inspiration to all if you have heard of her name, she should be in with the names of Miyamoto, Kojima, Rubin, Wright, Bushnell, and (dare I say) Jaffe?

So peeps, get informed, get to play her games if you can find them and enjoy old school goodness of Sierra!

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