Monday, November 19, 2007

Your Early X-mas gaming list

It's been a while since I last updated. And I'll still give ya the reason of work and my video game script that I work on here and there but I'm back for a little bit to give you a great buyers guide for the upcoming Black Friday/X-mas rush. What to grab, what to avoid. And since I do receive video games at work I see a lot go in and out of the pipeline....well besides Manhunt 2 which got recalled due to violent nature but ironically we have Dead Rising which is even worse. And yes, that looks like every retail store in the morning..well minus the trampling and crushing of people for great savings!

For the aging PS2, Persona 3 is definitely a must buy (see last blog for that review/praise) it is a great game, plus you get an art book and soundtrack.

Guitar Hero 3 is one of the must haves for the system, I mean it takes no thought after watching that South Park episode

Smackdown vs Raw 2008. Now I'm not buying this game seeing as I rented it and it was a major disappointment, but if your son loves the WWE and fighting games in general, go grab this one.

Fire Pro Wrestling. This is the dark horse of wrestling games, now firstly, its 2-D but the animations are top notch and you can create anybody...yep anybody even WWE stars TNA stars WCW stars...anybody with its 300 slot create a character mode. And for $20 its worth the money.

DBZ Budokai Tenkaiachi 3. Speaking of fighting games, this one is a great game too if you're into the DBZ craze...which is still running wild. Worth the money to buy it no doubt.

Disgaea 1 or 2 or both! Both games are long as hell but worth every penny. Finding the 1st game will be a little tough, but worth 40 bucks used.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess...a very good game that will take away your time and leave your hand in crams and pain after playing it all day with that wiimote.

Metroid Prime 3 : Surprisingly one of the most fun shooter/adventure games you will play this season. However, it's a little confusing on where to go on the map and trying to get 100% will take some time.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles : On-rails shooter that details the rise and fall of Umbrella. I just buy it for the Wesker cover alone!

Super Mario Galaxy : Easily one of the funnest (if that's even a word) games on the Wii today. Jam packed with greatness. I mean how can you NOT go wrong with a Mario game? (See Mario is Missing and Mario Hotel).

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: I'm sorry but this series gets no respect out there just buy the game and you'll be amazed.

Xbox 360

Almost EVERY game strong titles include:
Halo 3 (duh)
Gears of War
Dead Rising (trust me, give it a 2nd look after getting the mega buster)
Mass Effect
Call of Duty 4
Oblivion (actually get that for the PC, much better)
Assassin's Creed
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (may be multi platform but its good nonetheless plus comes with the new 360 bundle)
The Orange Box (5 fuckin games in 1 DISK!!!!!!!!!)
Puzzle Quest
Streetrace NYC (ok my friend is the marketer for the game..had to give the game a plug).

All Xbox games will be available on the system along with Halo and Halo 2 and hopefully Capcom vs SNK 2!


umm....right..ya got a Blu Ray player! Nah I kid, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, and Uncharted are the top until Metal Gear Solid 4 arrives.

Well there ya have it, actually I just felt lazy toward the end since I got this splitting headache while typing this. haha, I hope you can agree especially with this final month approaching and the sales of retail doubles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Sword was a big disappointment, it actually made me happy that I don't own a PS3.