Friday, May 08, 2009

Snafu Nook

Hey all, got around to having some time from these grueling weeks in preparation for my card game's next set, a mini expansion that will balance and break the game a bit. Some rather neat cards are on its way. I am now stuck on a new template for the card game since the last one was made in MS Paint, it was just a basic white or black background. I'm hoping to brush up, excuse the pun here, on my photoshop layering skills. I know this may be noobish to a lot of people, but I grew up on the damn MS Paint when I was just a wee lad. The days where windows sucked badly and we had to use command prompt to play a game, going through the C:// directory. Hell, we even had a fucking floppy disc games....yeah I like the old school!

I remember Phantasmagoria, a point and click adventure game from Sierra that worked pretty well on an old windows computer. Sadly, I could never finish it since when disc 3's intro loads up, it would crash and go back to the command prompt. Then wierd crash noises from the speakers came out....holy shit I Windows back then scared the fuck outta me...never knew when that thing was gunna crash. But I have to thank my cousin one of these days for getting me into the world of PC gaming when it was big. Without him, I don't think I would ever be the insane freak I am in real life....well when I think of a game scene in my mind that would be gross and awesome at the same time. I visualize the camera angles where I want the camera to be, etc. Dare I say I feel like the Taratino of the industry one day....

So we got the mini expansion down, just gotta make the cards and now my guild in Warcraft is probably making a run through Naxx tonight or better yet on the weekend, either way it's fine.

I dunno why but the title doesn't make a whole lot of sense, guess I just wanted to have a random title...could of just called it Shaq Fu.

But I will say this, the Nook part is apart of this new site I found out the other day while looking at some Warcraft bosses, Gamernook. I am on there and I think a lot of people are finding it out quickly. Looks pretty cool and spiffy so I made an account and started adding stuff to my games collection. Might as well post the blog up there too for all to see and maybe link this one back to the real blog. See how many have blogger and such. I get views, but now replys...I don't mind at all if nobody comments, if not this is a place where I can speak my mind and nobody hears me? Ah well, let it be the temple of my mind then.

Oh and another thing. I feel this may be kinda wierd but this girl the other week held my arm at work right when I was gunna leave. Looked online for an answer and it felt subconsiously in my future? Hope I don't fuck it up, she is pretty cute and we talk a lot so I guess it's a step in the right direction for me before I lose my sanity of working nonstop. I dunno it feels about right, I just don't know if she really likes me at all....ah well back to being a nerd!!! lol.

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