Friday, June 04, 2010

Dead Alive: A chance at Getting a Boost.

Well, howdy again. I know I don't update as much but I seem to keep on coming back here and talking about games and shooting at the hip about the industry of games. That's all well and dandy but since I've grown in the field of voice acting by a lot, I am going to merge them together. In fact, I will also be putting up stuff that I have done with my card games as well. Think of it as a developmental blog/ranting page. I really hate to see posts from the beginning of the year and the newest one in June of 2008.

The name of the blog will be changed to reflect these aspects. I don't have a name as of yet but be sure it will be something simple. As an added bonus I'll put up the link on my VAA profile page along with many other links that will keep me in check as a VA and designer.

Until then farewell

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