Thursday, March 05, 2009

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been...

It's been a while. A long while since I had ever written a blog on here. So I say hello to all lurkers and writers who are viewing this entry. I took a hiatus from blogging because I became tired of posting and I didn't have the time, the only thing I could have done was comment on Jaffe's blog here and there. I seriously thought of just stopping with blogs and the idea of puting random stuff on here. I then remembered the old days of ModBlog and what it meant to me. All the entries I use to do, I had a number of posters on there who would post some good things and enjoy the posts I made. I really miss them and the old days of ModBlog before they decided to shut it down permantly. First by removing their buttons, then ultimately their website after many complained on what was going on with the numberous site shut downs and missing images.

There, was the start of me posting on David Jaffe's blog and Cory Balrog's blog, both viewed my blogs so I guess I should be excited which I still am all these years. No matter how small time you are, you always have a chance to be spotted not just by some famous people but from your peers as well giving you that radical push you need in posting whatever the comment is.

A whole year has gone by...I just can't believe a year has passed that quickly. A lot in the industry has changed and our economy has taken the roller coaster ride to hell in several months. It's almost astonishing to see the crime rate rise becuase of these troubled times. I thought I might see people jumping out of their buildings which would be very reminicient of the Great Depression during the 1930's. But I see people are not doing so, I guess people have learned that a tarnished living is not a reason to kill yourself, espeically if you can start from the ground running again. I have been very frugal with my money and I'm not that afraid to admit it. I got my government check today so I bought a few things and I threw the rest of the check in the bank along with my pay. My greatest advice to saving? Buy the essentials, don't go crazy shopping buying uneeded items. If you have to write it down and cross it off, go ahead and do so.

Woah, I'm looking like an advisor on CNN or something, seriously they can hire me for some money, I'll spit out my opinion for dough. Speaking of spitting out an opinion, don't tell me how this transitions into this, but I've been wondering about getting a Twitter but is it worth getting? I mean one sentence status updates sound spiffy, but I'm just not sold on the idea of it. Hey, I can give into peer pressure if needed.

'Life, Love, Games' was the title of my old blog and I really want to go back to those days where I can write anything I can about what I'm doing and what I feel about the industry as a whole from a semi-gamer's perspective. I've actually stopped playing so many games since I feel my eyes are straining out from the graphics and the longplays I have done in the past. My 'Flame of the Month' entries will make a comeback where I just whine and complain about one thing, it's also where I cuss up a storm and you will see it too. It's such a great way to vent out any fustration I currently have bottled up in me. I think it's a good entry and I think I have a few entries in this blog site as well.

I will see by the weekend if I can get a flame entry out and I think I have a great entry for that. I am also looking foward to playing Resident Evil 5 soon. It looks amazing for a next gen game along with Killzone 2 and Fallout 3. All great games however, I am uneasy with Halo Wars. I just have a gut feeling that the company is attempting to break the FPS mold they revolutionalized for the X-Box. Ironically, Command and Conquer is one of my favorite series for a RTS and they also did a FPS. What a vicious cycle.

I will do a review of RE5, early impressions and no spoliers at all becuase I don't want to ruin a great gameplay and storyline experience for anyone else. Until next blog I will see you soon!

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