Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Gamer Month (or months)

Let me first say hi to all! Secondly, I feel, for me, that there is a few games worth picking up. First would be the new Command and Conquer: The First Decade box. Around $40, this covers EVERY game up until C&C:Generals Zero Hour. All the games are compadable with windows XP and all are very sexy with online being back, this one is staying on my comp for ages!

Metal Gear Solid 3: Substinence or however the hell ya say that. It's MGS3 done right with a 3rd person view, online play, demo theatre. Kojima-San has outdone himself with this one!

Timesplitters 2. Yes an oldie but goodie. If you can find one of these bad boys, get it quick! This, IMO, is the best FPS game on the PS2 to date, well with the exception of Future Perfect. Got this for $20 bucks and it gives me a reason to still play my PS2. Honestly, it takes a long time to unlock everything with gold trophies and there's a ton of challenges and a mapmaker.

Metal Gear Ac!d. A very much overlooked game that combines Metal Gear and cards, gonna have to beat my friend in competition this week. Ac!d 2 will be coming out when MGS3:Substinence comes out. (on or around that date).

And whatever you do, don't play Shadow the Hedgehog...I will make you save your money...seriously.

Also, in this latest issue of OPM, the man Dave Jaffe has a huge article published in there. If you have it, I'm sure you've read it already. If you do not have a copy, go out there and buy one right now!

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