Sunday, February 26, 2006

More of the Same

Hi all.

A few weeks ago, I walk into my Gamestop and see what's new that's coming out for any of the systems. I looked around and saw nothing that hit my eye, nothing that said "buy me NOW!" or anything to that extent. So then I went into the used game section and picked up Timesplitters 2 (which I am shocked I didn't buy it at the time) and I am obsessed over the damn game now.

Recently, a game called Black hit the shelves, hyped up everywhere along with coverage on TV, and I go to Gamefaqs and see that people that don't care for the title. Was it because of its poor exciution or its game was stamped by EA? The industry, from my view, has changed since the good ol' days where nothing was rehashed or reused in any case. Mediocre games are the norm today as the industry preps up for the console war of 06 with PS3 rumored to be shipping in Spring and Nintendo's Revolution closer each day. These crappy games that we are getting today just makes me want to save my dough to either spend on cards or just to keep it in the bank and watch it grow via interest.

This is why I'm pulling for the next-gen game developers to come into the industry, create fresh ideas, and to work closely with the developers of the 20th century and make games a little bit more interesting. Where is that next GTA smash that the industry is looking for? Why do we have to pay $50 just to get a game that will ONLY last a few hours? I am postive that people are writing, people are making these games that will last longer than anything on the market. It's just the only problem with that is the majority is probally in college, earning their degree and getting the training required for the field.

Of course there are more questions, but what David Jaffe said is the idea of shorter games for a cheaper cost. For me and my wallet, it would be a great idea to go out there and buy a $30 game that will last you more than a $50 game. On a professional side, this will, in my opinion, cut the cost of production and time on a game's development drastically so I think the company should have more time to work out the bugs and glitches.

With motovation and my friends that are on my side, I will continue to write the good games and I will continue to get into the industry, even if its only taking baby steps before taking that HUGE leap of faith. (And also, I will be changing some things around the blog...hopefully make it more pretty lol).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could've sworn i left a comment, but I guess not.

AWESOME TEMPLATE!!! This is beautiful! Ya done good man! Seeeee, this is way cooler than modblog. WAAAAAAY cooler.